Liberalism and Nature

An article that establishes one of the fundamental principles of Evident Politics.

Nature abhors a vacuum

It is not possible nor desirable for any one political system to successfully exist unless it can resolve one of humanity’s greatest challenges – how to resolve contradictory viewpoints.

Liberal Democracies do this very well. But what happens when they do it too well?

That is what this article is all about… read it. You will be glad you did.

Evipolitics Arrives

Watching the immense shit-show taking place in the USA with Donald Trump and the GOP and the longest-ever government shutdown has been a catalyst to the formation of Evident Politics.

What does Trump and the GOP have to gain to shut-down government? What do the Democrats gain by taking the stance they have?

While there is undoubtedly policy reasons affecting these stances, we always forget the people who are behind these policy stances. What drives them to take the stands they do? To say it is for pursuit of power is a gross oversimplification of human behavior.

First of all, all politicians in a democracy are subject to limitations so abject power is not available to them. Second, power is multifaceted and defining what specific manifestation is being pursued and why is an essential inquiry.

Digging deeper into the human motivation of politics is what Evident Politics is all about. I hope you will find our pursuit something that minimally interests but ideally inspires you.